Two NY Jets Fans

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

And We Have Lift Off!

Welcome to the inaugural season of "2 Jets Fans." While this may be our first year in the blogosphere, I'm honored/saddened to admit that Mr. Ectropy and I have been New York football Jets fans and season ticket holders since we were little scrubs. Here is a brief history of how I (Wozzy Bear) became a loyal supporter of "Gang Green."


As long as I can remember, I have been a Jets fan. As a young lad, my father became enthralled with the AFL and the free-wheeling offenses and passing games that defined this upstart league. Before I was even born, the pops split a season ticket with his pal at Shea stadium in the 1970's. A few years later, I popped onto the scene (1980) and was naturally dooped into becoming a Jets fan by my pops.

I can recall sitting with my father in the living room on Sunday's watching the Jets blow games (Some things never change), driving us to the brink of insanity. As if being a father of four wasn't daunting enough, the Jets would invariably ruin his Sunday afternoon's. After any given loss, my father would tell me fairy tale's of the glory days of Joe Namath and Don Maynard, and I would soak up every minute of it in my Freeman McNeil jersey. I hadn't even reached double digits yet, and I was hooked.


Finally, at the age of ten, I attended my first home game at Giants Stadium. Just a few years earlier, I had become friends with Mr. Ectropy when we were placed on the same pee-wee soccer team. Both sons of rabid Jets fans, we naturally hit it off and became fast friends. By now, with a family to attend to, my father had gotten rid of his tickets at Shea Stadium, so I had yet to attend a game. Finally, on September 16, 1990, Mr. Ectropy took me to my first game with our fathers. Lucky for me, the Jets defeated the Cleveland Browns 24-21, and the memory of that day will stay with me forever.

Since those early days, my father was able to grab tickets from some of the lawyers he works with from time to time, and just four years ago, I was presented with my season tickets. On Sunday's, I now sit in section 308 with my big brother, whom we have since converted to Jets nation, along with the rest of my family.

The Gang Green Family

Coming Tomorrow: NFL Draft Preview


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